Hello and welcome!
I decided to start this blog as an extension for my blog Raindeer Pants. This is where I will talk about one of my favourite things: food. This will be my online cookery book. I'm not the best of cooks, a friend of mine gave me a tin that says "I'm such a lousy cook, I can't even boil a toast" for Christmas a couple of years ago. But yet, I've somehow stayed alive after I moved away from home.
I've also started getting vegetable bags through university. During term time, I get a bag full of local organic vegetables and other things that vegetarians eat. It's quite exciting. I had no idea there were so many different vegetables! People who are interested in aliens should go vegetable shopping, they might enjoy it. The only vegetable-like things I recognised before I joined the veggie bag club were potatoes, tomatoes and carrots. Now I know what avocados, sweet potatoes, beetroot and purple broccoli (to mention a few) look like!
This has also taught me to cook even weirder food than I did before. I've talked about how people find the food I like to eat strange before. I've always been bad at following recipes. I generally know what I want my food to taste like, and just mix all sorts of things together. My problem, however, has been that I never remember how I cooked something previously. Which is why I started this blog!
So, mostly this blog is here, so that I can find my old recipes. But if you happen to be feeling experimental and brave, you may get some inspiration out of my recipes too. I might also introduce you to my favourite places to eat. Stay tuned!